Inland Marine Insurance For Roofing Contractors

Roofing contractors face numerous challenges on the job, including transporting valuable equipment, tools, and materials from one location to another. Inland marine insurance serves as a crucial form of coverage that protects these assets while in transit. This specialized insurance policy provides financial protection against theft, damage, and loss during transportation, whether on the road or at a job site. In this article, we will explore the ins and outs of inland marine insurance for roofing contractors and why it is a vital component of their risk management strategy.

Understanding Inland Marine Insurance

Contrary to its name, inland marine insurance has nothing to do with bodies of water. It is a type of insurance coverage designed to protect movable property and assets that are frequently transported or in transit. Historically, it originated to cover goods transported over waterways, but today, it primarily applies to land-based transportation, including roofing contractors’ needs.

For roofing contractors, inland marine insurance is essential as it covers the risks associated with moving equipment, tools, and materials from one place to another. This coverage extends beyond traditional property insurance, which typically protects assets only when they are at a fixed location. Inland marine insurance ensures that your valuable assets are protected against perils such as theft, damage, accidents, and natural disasters while in transit or temporarily stored at job sites.

Coverage Areas of Inland Marine Insurance

a) Property in Transit: Inland marine insurance provides coverage for property in transit, protecting your roofing equipment, tools, and materials while they are being transported from one location to another. Whether you are moving supplies to a job site or transporting your equipment to a new project, this coverage ensures that any losses or damages incurred during transit are compensated.

b) Temporary Storage: Roofing contractors often store their equipment and materials at job sites temporarily. Inland marine insurance offers coverage for these assets while they are stored at these locations. It protects against risks such as theft, vandalism, fire, or damage caused by natural disasters, providing financial reimbursement for any losses that may occur.

c) Contractor’s Equipment: Inland marine insurance can also provide coverage for specialized contractor’s equipment used by roofing contractors. This includes machinery, tools, and other equipment that are essential for carrying out roofing projects. Coverage may extend to equipment theft, damage, and even breakdowns, ensuring that your business is protected from the financial impact of such events.

d) Installation Floater: Another valuable component of inland marine insurance for roofing contractors is the installation floater coverage. This provides protection for roofing materials, supplies, and equipment that have been delivered to a job site but have not yet been installed. It covers against risks such as theft, damage, or loss during the installation process, ensuring that the value of these assets is safeguarded.

Benefits of Inland Marine Insurance

a) Comprehensive Coverage: Inland marine insurance offers comprehensive coverage for your valuable assets, whether they are in transit or temporarily stored at job sites. It protects against a wide range of risks, including theft, damage, accidents, and natural disasters, ensuring that your roofing equipment, tools, and materials are financially protected.

b) Flexibility: Inland marine insurance is highly flexible and can be tailored to meet the specific needs of roofing contractors. You can customize the coverage to include equipment, tools, materials, and installation floaters based on the nature of your business and the risks you encounter during transportation and job site storage.

c) Peace of Mind: With inland marine insurance in place, roofing contractors can have peace of mind knowing that their valuable assets are protected. Whether it’s a costly piece of equipment or essential roofing materials, the coverage provides a

safety net, allowing contractors to focus on their work without worrying about potential financial losses resulting from theft, damage, or accidents during transportation or temporary storage.

d) Enhanced Risk Management: Inland marine insurance is an integral part of a comprehensive risk management strategy for roofing contractors. By mitigating the financial impact of asset-related risks, contractors can better protect their business and maintain a solid foundation for growth. It demonstrates a proactive approach to risk management, ensuring that potential losses and liabilities are adequately addressed.

Selecting the Right Inland Marine Insurance Policy

When choosing an inland marine insurance policy, roofing contractors should consider several important factors:

a) Coverage Limits: Assess the value of your assets, including equipment, tools, and materials, to determine appropriate coverage limits. Ensure that the policy adequately reflects the total value of your assets to avoid being underinsured in the event of a claim.

b) Deductibles: Evaluate the deductibles associated with the policy. A higher deductible may result in lower premiums but could mean higher out-of-pocket expenses in the event of a claim. Consider your risk tolerance and budget when determining the deductible amount.

c) Exclusions: Review the policy’s exclusions carefully to understand what risks may not be covered. Common exclusions may include wear and tear, intentional acts, or certain natural disasters. Be aware of any limitations or restrictions that may impact your coverage.

d) Additional Coverages: In addition to the core coverage areas, consider any additional coverages that may be relevant to your roofing business. These may include coverage for rented or borrowed equipment, subcontractors’ tools, or pollution liability. Work with an experienced insurance professional to identify the specific needs of your business and ensure that the policy provides comprehensive protection.


Inland marine insurance is a vital component of risk management for roofing contractors. It provides coverage for property in transit, temporary storage, contractor’s equipment, and installation floaters, safeguarding against theft, damage, and loss. By having this specialized coverage in place, roofing contractors can protect their valuable assets, enhance their risk management strategy, and gain peace of mind while conducting their operations.

When selecting an inland marine insurance policy, it is crucial to assess coverage limits, deductibles, exclusions, and additional coverages to ensure comprehensive protection tailored to the unique needs of your roofing business.